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February 2024
·299 words·2 mins
February was spent mostly moving, setting up my new office and my new recording studio. Another massive shift in my life executed with ruthless and wonton abandon. Lots of small wins accumulate into big results, though I should have been easier on my back.
January 2024
·215 words·2 mins
My partner and I have been talking for awhile about moving out of State. In Janurary we pulled the trigger and decided to move to Pittsburgh! I knew that both money and time were going to be extremely tight so if I was going to build this channel and this… read more
December 2023
·261 words·2 mins
December was split into two halves. The meeting before JW where I was racing to get as much as the prototype for Elderwild completed before December 12th, and after my meeting with JW where I began focusing more on The Gentleman Game Designer YouTube…read more
November 2023
·237 words·2 mins
I cannot think of a more productive month of my life. I started with the idea for a YouTube channel and ended with an advanced prototype of a new role playing game and an investor / mentor pitch meeting. The sheer amount of work I can get… read more
October 2023
·396 words·2 mins
I haven’t had much a chance to look back on October. The truth is, it is now March 2024 and I’m just now getting around to setting up a way to update folks on progress for Parallel Games company projects like The Gentleman Game Designer and my upcoming game, Elderwild…read more